Today I had an amazing realization. I thought, what is the worst thing that has happened all year? And when I realized what it was, not only did I really it really wasn't
that bad but when I compared it to the worst thing that happened to me last year, it barely even rated in the history of bad things that have happened in my life. And even though it sucked A LOT at the time and I cried plenty because of it, there was some good that came out of it. This probably makes absolutely no sense at all because I'm being incredibly vague about these events.
Let's put it this way: Last year - horrible life altering family tragedy. This year - a boy was stupid and made me cry.
I can deal with that! Because otherwise, my life is fucking awesome. GO TEAM 2008!
(I'm seriously considering getting a really cheesy 2008 tattoo. I figure I should have
one stupid one. I can't help that I make such awesome, tasteful and meaningful tattoo choices.)
# sing me something soft @
12:28 AM
0 sang